Here is a basket I painted months ago and meant to list on Ebay, but needed to put a bow on it and it sat in my studio since then. Well, Today I put that bow on, and little bits of Vintage Millinery compiled into a frothy pink embellishment. Do you like ?? :)
Also, I made these sweet Easter Chick boxes last month and finally finished them with their missing little bows today. :)
I went to my Dr. today and he wants me to see a Nuerologist now. To see if I might have MS. The leg pain I have is 24/7 now, so he is not convinced I have Fibro as that would come and go. But, my Hubby was laid off yesterday from one of his jobs, so I will wait a few months before we start racking up more medical bills again. I see my Rhuemetologist next month and if he concurs, or has other ideas, we will go from there.
That being said, I am in Fine spirits. Emotionally. We have been saving and very frugal, the economy being what it is and we will ride this out, and Our Lord will provide, we have NO doubts. It will be lovely to actually SEE my husband , Lol !!! After months of 70-80 hour weeks, I just plain miss him. He is my Rock, Hunk and Best Friend. We actually will have TWO whole days together this weekend. We are going to Nest one day, pulling out the sleeper sofa , eating popcorn and watching movie after movie. I am staying in my jammies, ( Like I do every day !! Lol !!! ) But it will be a nice much needed break for him. And I will even sit through a few Guy movies. :)
I want to thank all of you that have emailed, and sent cards wondering where I was. I appreciate your friendships more than you know. I have scheduled posts for several days this week, so that if I am not up to snuff, you can still come say Hi, as I LOVE to hear from each of you and I hope to visit each of you back this week . I have missed you all !! I have pictures of the wonderful things my awesome Christmas Swap Partner Sherry sent me, as well as gifts from other sweet friends to share.
And Thank you Beverly, for being such a sweetheart and Faithfully Hosting Pink Saturdays, week after week. :)
Hi Rhea! I've been thinking about you & was so glad to see you posting again. So sorry you have had that nasty flu. Come see what I have when you get a chance, actually what Bree has added to the family!
Your little chick boxes are absolutely adorable as is everything your hand touches!
Enjoy time with your hunk! You both deserve it.
Happy PS!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Very nice pinks. The basket is so beautifully painted. Happy pink Saturday
Hope you are feeling better soon. Love the cupcakes with the little chicks. Happy PS.
I have stopped by your blog at other times, mostly before I started blogging. I have noticed you didn't post for sometime, sorry to hear it is due to your health. Blessing to you. I enjoy your blog and your ART. Your basket is awesome thank you.
Thinking of You... Just not a good think when we aren't feeling up to snuff..... Blessings...
ooo your little creations are just so cute! hope you enjoy your special hubbie day!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I'll call you on monday to see how you're doing. I thought it might be something like a crashed computer, honey. Your new items are stunning as always. Happy PS,
I always worry about ya!!! :-)
Rhea, I'm so sorry to hear you've been having such a terrible month and are still struggeling with your illness, but I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Just love your pretty green basket with the lovely roses and the tiny Easter chick boxes. They are just too cute!! I'll have to check out your Etsy shop to see what's there. Happy Pink Saturday!!
Your creations are beautiful! From the basket to the sweet Easter Chick boxes! You are one talented gal! :)
Oh my goodness! First of all, I hope you get better day by day. You will be in my prayers.
Your pink posts today are darling. Your chickies have such cute little faces.
Again - healing thoughts coming your way!
Beautiful are very talented!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Good Morning Rhea,
Glad to hear you are doing better. I love your basket it is so sweet. You are one talented lady.
Happy PS
Those chicks are just too cute. I just may have to have one. Thanks so much for sharing them with us this Saturday.
Oh Rhea, sounds like you have had a bad month! I just got over the flu , was down all week and I know several people who are suffering from it. I'll keep you in my prayers. You and your husband sound like you are going through a lot of the same things my hubby and I are going through. The Lord has provided though, in unimaginable ways and I know He will for you too. The little basket is gorgeous and those little easter boxes are so beautiful! I love them all:>) Enjoy the extra time with your sweetheart!
So sorry for your medical problems. I too have fibromyalgia. Very hard to live with... Somehow you find strength. Enjoy your time with your hubby. I know I do with mine.
I will say this... Your art is beautiful I could look at it all day!!
Love, Marilyn
Hi Sweetie!
I was beginning to worry about you! Wow you have been through the ringer and back! I am so sorry to hear what has been on-going, yet again with you.
Your creations are just darling! You have just the right knack!!!
Visit me when ya can..I know I owe you an email..but we have had a rough 2 weeks with b-ball...just about did us all in!
Glad you are in good spirits!
Love ya big time and missing ya!
Oh my gosh!!!!! I love your pinks. They're beautiful..those sweet chicks..:). Have a happy Pink Saturday.I hope you're feeling better soon, and all the ill is over.
Happy Pink those chickies!!!
Sorry you had problems with your computer and not feeling well.
Prayers coming your way!
Blessings to you,
Those chicks are adorable!
What a bummer...hope you're feeling a whole lot better soon.
Enjoy the rest and movies on this Pink Saturday.
That basket is very pretty! Wish I could paint like that!!! Happy PS!!
Miss Rhea
Those chicks are just adorable and I'm so happy your feeling better. Enjoy hubby next to you and don't eat to much popcorn. lol
Love Claudie
P.S. Happy PS
So cute!!!
Happy pink saturday!!
Jorgelina from Argentina
Lovely post, I'm praying for both of you to have peace, good health and a prosperous year.
How sweet are those chicks and love that basket, when are you going to be listing this beauty?
Hi, sorry to hear you have been ill for the past few weeks. I haven't been in blogs either. Had a death in the family and illness, then a new baby nephew. So this weekend I'm trying to catch up. Miss you, hope you get to neurologist soon!
Hi Rhea,
I was wondering if you were okay and sure missed you. No fun being sick:( Sorry to hear about your husband losing 1 of his jobs. I also know that God Provides and it's very tight here also. Husband sell real estate and has his own mortgage I'm going to start up my own cleaning company. Not what I want to's something that I can do and it can be flexiable...which is what I need.
LOVE your Easter chicks:) Too cute and they look SO happy.
Enjoy movie time with hubby.
Hi Rhea,
I loved your's really lovely.
Hope you had a great Pink Saturday!
Deanna :D
Rhea, reading your post made my heart happy. I am so glad you are feeling just a bit better. I had a stay at home day with my husband yesterday, too. It was the best.
Happy Pink Saturday, dear one. I love, love, love the basket.
Happy Pink Day! Your blog is sooo pretty. I hope you feel better soon.
Hello Dear Rhea!
I was wondering where you have been! So sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Your chickies are so adorable. Take care sweetie!
Debbie ooxx
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