I made a few of these sweet eggs last year for some friends and now am offering new ones on Etsy. I have Pinks and soft aqua's coming soon. I Just love these !!! :)
Last Easter I was in a swap with my Best friend and forgot to take pictures of what I sent her. Like me, she is an Aqua, Roses fanatic. So I painted her this old antique dovetail box I had in my stash. The fronts of the postcards were ugly, so I wanted the pretty writing to show instead. I also used a copy of a pretty lady, pearls and a rhinestone dangle on her necklace, as well as an old rhinestone for the handle of the box. This was tailored just for her :) I also sent her a velvet egg and matching tussie in the same shade of soft aqua. The cake stand is one that she bought from me the previous year on ebay. It looks so lovely in her sweet pink Kitchen. ( I have a sweet friend who is ALSO very soon going to be getting a cake cover she sent me to paint :) )
My friend Sharon, embellished this compote in a matching aqua, for her kitchen. Doesnt it look great ???

Speaking of boxes, I sent this one to my ultra sweet friend Lori last year as part of a swap as well. Since this post is Aqua themed, I thought I would share this as well.

I think a swap should be done with the heart. Things worthy of being in your own home, yet tailored to that individual. I hate it when I see swaps where they send old junky things they just dont want anymore, Re-Gifting, or items they couldnt sell in their own shops. I think it is an oportunity to Bless someone. The Lord NEVER gives to us half hearted, and we in turn should open our hearts and let the floodgates pour. And when you think you have enough to send, then go find that One more thing as that is what Our Father does for us. :) I have been truly Blessed, in those I call friend. And the swap partners I have had over the last two years blogging have been the MOST giving, wonderful women. What an Horor to have met and culivated these friends :)
Well, That is all for Wednesday. I spoke too soon last week on the feeling good. I have started getting the shakes now. This is the latest. I shake so bad sometimes I look like I am seizing. It is embarrassing when we go anywhere. It doesnt hurt. So I am way gratefull about that. It will be another month or two before I can see the next Dr and get the MRI done. But I am waiting patiently. I am in such a good place right now. I really am not bothered by any of this. I did have one rough day last week, where the whole MS thing sunk in and all I could think of was the pressure and burden this will be for my family, and I cried for them. My Stepmom had it, so I would know what to expect, and know what it will do to them. You get what you get. I admit months of feeling sorry for myself. But Honestly, I woke up one day and knew it was fine. Whatever the outcome. That is the " Peace that surpasses all understanding " It is Ok and Life is still Life, you just have let go of the things you hold on to so tightly, and allow your life to move freely in the current it is intended to. Then it gets really easy. :) I debate like others to share personal things. Because I am not a person with anything to say really. I dont need to leave my mark with my words. That is what my art is for. But, There are a lot of people out there, who are sick and I am sure a handful that like me are searching for a diagnosis. So early on I decided to print this part of my personal life, so that maybe that One person would say, Hey I feel that way, and maybe not feel so alone. Each day I know less than the day before. But Each day I am more grateful for another day. And the goal for me is no longer trying to figure it out, but to LIVE while I am alive. And if I cant do everything on my wish list for the day. I can lay down and snuggle with my Husband and Chihuhua's and just love on them. Dont set the bar so high, you miss the little things . :)
Well said, sweetpea. I know you'll be fine and will be happy. I KNOW this.
Hi Rhea! So happy to see more of your sweet items! I keep my little nut cup out year-round. It always reminds me of you! You have the cutest dolls & I don't know how I missed seeing that beautiful aqua tussie mussie before!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Your art is beautiful! Those little dolls are darling and it's easy to see how they sold out so fast.
I am going through a love of aqua and the pink roses too. Those colors are just so pretty together.
What color do you use to paint the boxes you made? Also the eggs? I would love to find that color somewhere.
I sure do hope you are feeling better soon. I'm going to keep you in my prayers. I hope that is ok with you.
Your outlook on life is so good. We could all learn a thing or two from you.
Rhea what a beautiful post...and yet, i am sad too...sad that you are still not feeling well, this is the first time i have heard you mention MS...i will be praying so hard for you...the boxes you make are so gorgeous!!! i just love mine to pieces...i remember my mother was here when your "junque" trunk arrived and we were both just so amazed and in awe of how pretty it was and the lovely things you had packed inside...you are not kidding those dolls went fast!!! i had your shop in my reader so i could watch for them...they were sold before they ever showed up there...oh well, maybe next time!!! please take care of yourself and don't push too hard...and yes, you definitely have to make something to keep for yourself!!!
Hello Rhea,
Your items are just adorable. I would like an egg on top of the box. I will keep watching and hope they will be up soon. I am glad you are keeping your chin up, and making the best of every day. Enjoy your sweet moments. Take care sweetie!
The items you made for Sharon are outstanding and I know she loves them to death! The dolls are super lovely. Good luck with them!!
Oh Rhea ~ I so love all your gorgeous items..and I'm just not quick enough..they sell out before I can get there! You have turned me on to aqua and pink...now I'm painting everything that color!
I do so hope you start feeling better soon...you'll be in my prayers.
what beautiful things! i love both boxes and everything in between! i hope you start to feel better.
I love all your sweet things that you create, they are just beautiful. I hope you feel better soon and you are in my prayers.
Rhea, this is a beautiful post in so many ways. I love your beautiful artwork and the sweetness and innocence it brings. I am sorry about the MS but so glad that you are at peace about it. I have several friends with it so I know what you are going through. I also know that my friends are leading, happy, satisfying lives. I wish the same for you.
oh you sweet thing!!! I love you to pieces!!! You make such beautiful goodies!! I love the way you handle life!! You are a wonderful inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us. Our prayers are with you. Have a wonderful weekend! laurie
I loved your little Marie dolls, they went so quickly and I can understand why.
Yes I am totally spoiled by all your lovely creations that have come to grace my home over the years. The box and cake cover are my all time favorites however you could try to out-do yourself and make more interesting things I just can't resist...Just try!
dear miss Rhea hi I hope you are feeling better.My hubby has MS and it has been a stuggle but we are leaning to live with what comes.I love your blog and all your beautiful creations and are so honour to be able to look at all your items.I love everything you are just so clever.Hope you will be ok and have a lovely day.I am sending you hugs.love from Glenda.
What lovely goodies you've shared as always! That box is just gorgeous! Your friend is so lucky to have received such a treasure!
You have a lovely attitude! Take care of yourself! :)
Hi Rhea!
So sorry you are going thru all of this! I will say a prayer for you! Your attitude is wonderful though and that is what will get you thru all of this no matter what the diagnosis!
Your creations are beautiful! I especially love the nut cups!
hugs! karen...
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