We have been sick all week with a virus of some sort, so we decided we needed a hooky day !!! Yesterday we drove to a neighboring city called Boulder City. It is about 40 minutes from Las Vegas and home to the Hoover Dam. The sky was just beautiful !! The biggest puffiest clouds and blue, blue, blue skies !! Loved it !! It had that fresh smell of rain in the air, as a storm was rolling into the valley.

Here we are at the sweet little Coffee Cup Diner. Ed had seen this little diner on the show " Diners, Drive ins and Dives " And wanted to try it. OH MY GOSH, good artery clogging food to be had there !!! Yum. He had a patty melt and I had the chicken salad. That chicken is homemade and melts in your mouth. And all of the fresh greens were yummy !!

We then went antiquing, and found a great little boutique. I wanted the pink nightstand. :)

Bull in a China Shop. lol Look at that sweet man carrying my package. :) I will say this, I truly am the luckiest woman in the world. My big handsome husband will follow me into any store, no matter how girly and frou frou. And even point out things he thinks I would like.

Neat quilt shop.

This is an old landmark, the Boulder City Hotel. We went inside in search of more shops, but it was really muggy in there, so we came back out quickly. :)

The storm started moving into town. This is the main drag. And the Cafe sign on the right is where we had lunch.

We hopped in the car to head back home and stopped at the overlook to Lake Mead. You can see the little valley of homes. I liked the spanish style home. What a view they have !!!

Back up thru the city, we found this sweet cottage. Look at all of the hearts !! Adorable !! Hey, We want your house !!!! lol

And finally, the drive home. What an absolutely lovely day !! Thank you so much Honey !! I love you !!

Spring is Coming !!!! Hope you all had a lovely week as well !!
What a wonderful day, looks like you both had a great time. So glad you two took a break. love the little house with white picket fence! Thanks for sharing.
Oh what a perfect day Rhea. What did you buy ...the bag Hubby is holding? I think I have seen that house with the hearts before..on another blog...or maybe just a senior moment.
Oh I love that house with the hearts. The scenes in your pics are wonderful and that little shop looks like my kind of place to go to. Glad you both got out and had such a good time.
RHea, this is the sweetest post! I WANT that big blue sky with white clouds, yummy!! Ed is so CUTE in that store!!!!!! He reminds me of my Chad, lol! Arent our guys the best? He has such a nice smile too. Oh that salad looks good! Those are my favorite kinds of salads, with fried chicken strips, yummy! I love that cottage too! So sweet. It is so neat to see pictures of where you live because it is so different than here! It looks so nice there!
Love you and I am so happy you had so much fun!
Rhea...what a great day is sounds like you had with your HUNK!!! So happy that you had a nice relaxing wonderful day...you deserved it! That house with the heart shutters is just so you!!!
Hugs sweetie! Lorena
With all the snow and dreary weather we've been having in KS, it's so nice to see blue sky somewhere in the US! I love the house with the hearts- don't you just wonder who lives there?
Oh, yep, that's Nevada! I love it there. Blue skies and wispy clouds. Oh, Jack would follow me in but he'd be antsy! Ed is definitely a keeper. That was a delightful trip, Ray Ray!!
oooh what a perfect day!
I love when hubby and I do those things , cant wait to have him around agian..lol!
What a cute little house you spied :)
molly333Rhea what beautiful pics, and that cottage was so cute!!! I'd love to have a little house like that! This big house is getting to be too much at my age! It's such a treasure to spend time like that with your hubby! Thanks for sharing!
Shirl, Shirls Rose Cottage
What a fun day you had together.
Love that 'Heart House'
How wonderful that Ed will go into any girly shop with you.
Hi Rhea! So sorry to hear that you have been sick with the yuck that is going around. Glad you had such a wonderful day with your DH. I too have a "bull" in a china shop that helps me hunt down pretties! We've got pretty special guys, huh?
Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Looks like you had a wonderful day! And yes, you totally are blessed to have a hubby like him - does he have a brother? :-) Good men are hard to find - or at least good men who understand about shopping, crafting, antiquing, etc!! :-)
Rhea, what a wonderful day. The little heart cottage is darling. I can see you there. Love the pink nightstand. You may have to paint one. Glad you both are feeling better.
La Rea Rose
What a lovely day you two had. The landscape is beautiful. Very different from my view here, its a bit longer to the horizon and less trees. I liked the spanish house a bit mediterranean.
Have an wonderful weekend /linnea-maria
What a wonderful little trip. The shops look great and so do those homes. I love the white picket fence with the arbor!
It looks like you had a delightful date! So much fun to play hookie with your hubby isn't it? We like to do that on occasion also. Our most recent outing was all about him, I smiled through sporting good stores, a tractor supply store, and every place on the planet that sold boats. He then took me to our favorite sandwich shop and then we drove to the spot where we shared our very first kiss way back when 30 or so years ago. We had a picnic in the car (too cold outside!)and then drove home.
What a lovely blog you got, loved reading your travel story... TFS!
/Camilla from Sweden
What a nice outing for you and hubby! I love the pictures and that beautiful sky! Thanks for sharing!
What a sweet hubbie! I love that pink nightstand and that little kitchen cupboard.
I love that show, Diners, Driveins and Dives! Hubby and I watch it all the time! What a fun day you had. Glad you left with a "treasure".
OMGosh what a nice day trip Rhea! Thanks for sharing!
hoganfe handbags
What a great trip ! Beautiful part of the Country ! My Hubby is like that, no matter where I shop from groceries to Girlie Stuff he has the "Patience of a Saint ! !
What a lovely time - your photos are gorgeous; I want that pink stand, too, and the house!! What a sweetie your hubby is.
Sounds like you have been blessed with a husband much like mine. Aren't days like that just wonderful??!!
Ooo, the pink nightstand is Wonderful!
Sandra Evertson
What a great day! My husband and I love to dothe same thing and he also will follow me anywhere and point out things I like! (He found the platter for me that I posted about yesterday). That boutique was full of things I would love!
Rhea your husband IS handsome and oh so sweet!!
I wonder what's in the bag..
Glad you had such a great day!!
Life is GOOD
fondly, Deena
Hi Rhea, so sorry to hear you've been sick. Seems lots of you gals over there have had some bug. that happens here too, it seems to get around the whole country.
Looks like you had a great day out with Ed. My hubbie usually likes to come into yummy shops with me too.
Maybe it's to make sure I don't spend too much - hee hee.
Coll :-}
How very lovely indeed.
We all need days like this.
I enjoyed your photographs and all that you share........
Thanks for your visit.
Love Jeanne ^j^
What a perfect day, I think my husband and I need a day like this, it has been awhile...
The heart house is too sweet…
I added your name to my give away … good luck…
Boulder City looks great Rhea!!!
Oh I want a husband like yours!!! Follows you to any shop and picks out things you might like???? That is amazing! Mine whines and complains "Oh we aren't going in here are we? what's the point in looking and not buying, just get what you want and let's go. Why do you just like to look at stuff?"
That adorable husband of yours would be right at home in that pretty cottage, he sounds like he'd do anything for you, including live in a foo foo house! How sweet.
Beauitful pictures of a wonderful day. I also love the little cottage. My husband will also follow me into shops as well, he was the one who first spotted the china I new collect. The only problem I have is he takes the dog everywhere with us and the General usually ends up sitting on the packages. hehehe Katie
What a wonderful post Rhea, I love that your hubby will help you in the antique shops... what a guy!
I also loved seeing a little of the land from your part of the country. It is so different looking than here... kinda looks like a desert! lol!
xoxo Heather
Thanks Rhea for the comments. I love it that we have a lot in common. I'm started to see a steady growth in my faux business. I'm excited. :) I may need to yell at you from time to time for some ideas.
What a great little trip! Sometimes a change of scene is as good as a rest! I agree - I love the art deco looking pink side dresser! Very sweet! And that little house? LOVE it! Thanks for sharing your trip with us! Hope you feel better soon! Love, Esther p.s. Way to go, hubby - you da man!
This is probably my third comment on this post and you'll no doubt want to smack me, but I'm tagging you because I thought it'd be fun to learn more about you. If you're interested, go to my blog for the rules!
What an adventure...shopping, food and a hubby that looks interested in pink!! You are a lucky girl. Loved your photos of the puffy white clouds...
Karen Eileen
WoW...some very beautifully captured shots...lovely views!
Rhea, Those cozy little day trips for two are the best! before John had gotten worst with his M.S we did this about three times a month, all day jaunts! i miss them so. I really loved the shop you showed and the little white kiddie cupboard! And yes, your husband is such a wonderful man, I agree 1005 at how he is and how lucky you are. Much love your way, Lori Love the cottage too!! But could you imagine it with pink????
Hi, I found your blog through Shannon @Paint Mine Pink. I loved the antique store you went to. Did you get the pink nightstand. Stop by sometime and visit.
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