Wishing Each of you such a Wonderful Easter !!! My Heart is swollen with Love for Our Lord who Died for us and Rose again this day, The Third Day, as Promised, so that We all could have everlasting life with Him. :) Hoping that this day was spent in joyous celebration, He is Risen !!! He keeps His Promises, and Loves us more than any Human could. What wonderful words to cling to in all aspects of our Lives. :) May many Blessings to Fall down onto each of you !!!!
Rhea :)
Happy Easter to you, too, Miss Rhea! I am so grateful for the gifts we've all been given from the Atoning Sacrifice of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. My life is such a good thing because of it! I am so thankful, too!
Yes He is risen !!
Beautiful post and so true! I hope you had a wonderful Easter (and that you are feeling well).
Have a lovely week!
Margie :)
Happy Easter, Miss Rhea! What a joyous day it was yesterday, thinking about the empty tomb on that first Easter morning. I am overcome still today by what He has done for me...Amazing Love!
My other favorite song is Revelation Song by Kari Jobe.
God is good!
Hugs, Karen
Hi Rhea, lovely post. Hope your Easter was awesome! Ours was just wonderful.
I love this post. It is so true! I'm so glad that we have Jesus.
Come by my blog if you can. My doctor thinks that he has found what is causing my health problems.
I'm having surgery in the morning.
Lee Laurie
Hope you & Ed had a wonderful Easter, too, Rhea! Ours was terrific & I hugged & kissed baby K for Auntie Rhea, too!
Angelic Accents
Hello Rhea, Thank You for the visit, I have missed everyone too:) Hope you had a wonderful Easter. I didn't get to put my Easter goodies out, they were all boxed up. Take care Sweet Friend. Mary:)
Thank you Rhea for the sweet comments. It really meant a lot to me. Thank you for praying for me. I have a good feeling this morning as I am getting ready to go to the hospital. I'm ready to get it over with. I'm glad that yours came out good...I hope that mine will too.
Lee Laurie
Dear Miss Rhea! Yes you are reading me correctly. I am divorcing, sad but true. I will hopefully be a happier person and a better mum. We are not arguing and we sharing our children so it is going very smooth. Love that card with the cross on. I decorated the twigs with feathers, eggs and crosses but I saw that the crosses don't show on the picture in my post. Have a wonderful week/linnea-maria
What a lovely post, Rhea. Where would we be without the sacrifice and constant presence of our Savior?
Hi is Risen!
It is hope for me and all people.
Hope you have a blessed Easter!
Hi, I just wanted to stop by and say hello, I found your blog, and its just gorgeous. I love your art.
Have a pretty day:)
Happy belated Easter to you, hope you are having a good week. You are in my prayers daily!
Right before I received your comment on my blog I had been thinking about you! Happy {belated} Easter to you too!
Nice earrings and bracelet
GOD is good all the time!!! Happy Easter!!!
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