Friday, June 13, 2014

Pink Saturday June 14th, 2014

Its been a REALLY long time since I have participated in Pink Saturday, so here goes!
Ed and I moved last October into a smaller duplex, and before that my Mom had also downsized. So, as much as we got rid of, trying to downsize, Mom sent over MORE family things to fill us back up again :) I am STILL unpacking if you can believe that. The dining room is almost done. I need to fit the slipcovers to the chairs and iron and display my linens to hang on a rack in there. Miss Addie Belle, my mannequin that Ed got me for under $10 about 4 years ago fits nicely in here. Why not? :)
 He was SO proud that he found her for me. And she is stamped Paris France on her belly. Makes you wonder how she came to be in Las Vegas? She is wearing an old ballet dress, that I added lace to that my Great Grandmother tatted. The collar around her neck is another of GG's handiwork's. I need to iron her skirt, so I will show you closeups of her another time.The chocolate pot was hers as well. :)
This pretty casserole was also from Mom, as was the plate. Funny thing, I had bought these little almost matching berry bowls about ten years ago and it never registered that they were the SAME roses. Rare for hand painted china from the 30's. :) Love them :)

Well, these are my Pinks ( with a bit of blue :) ) this week. Please go say Hi to Miss Beverly :)

I just want to thank you again, for the kind words, prayers and cyber hugs you have sent me regarding the loss of my sweet Ed. I miss him more than you could know.........




  1. Hello Rhea, Your little house is so pretty. Love all the things that were your grandma's and Mothers.
    It was very hard for me to downsize my Mothers things. But I have done so little by little. There are a few things I got rid of first thing,wish now I had waited until my mind and heart had excepted it a little more.
    I hope you are feeling better than you were,the last few time I visited with you ?
    I have had 2 back surgeries and one neck surgery. I am starting to feel better, silly me now I have arthritis in all my joints.
    I am so glad your are blogging when you can. As you see I have not blogged much.
    Sending love and Prayers for you Sweet Friend. Hugs, Mary

  2. How beautiful! Those hand-painted pieces are gorgeous and sure look like they go together, don't they? I love the slipcover idea for your chairs. Gives me an idea!

  3. I loved seeing your beautiful pink and blue things. The maniken looks wonderful there!

  4. Your new home is so pretty! What a lovely gift from your beloved :) and she is dressed so sweetly!
    I loved seeing your dining area and can't wait to see more!

  5. Oh what a beautiful room with so many pretties. I love the romantic feel. I want more white and pink in my house. I have a pink room. It's me, but not nearly as fluffy as this! Love it!

  6. Love your dining room...And soooo jealous that you have that fabulous Paris dress form!!! Thank you for the kind compliment on the Polka Dot Flea, tell you friends I have tentative plans to double the size and do two days next year....I am a little tired thinking about it right now lol!


  7. ooh, everything is so pretty and romantic here, I love it! I'm here for the first time, after your nice visit to my blog. I am now following you. And I am so sorry to read about your recent loss. blessings, Deborah

  8. What a beautiful post, I love all your pinks, -your dining room is so lovely.
    Greetings, Dorthe

  9. Hi, Rhea, dear friend,
    I am so glad you are back to journaling again! We have all missed you! Again, my deepest sympathy to you in the passing of your wonderful hubby! I know how much you adored each other. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. I loved seeing your beautiful home and lovely pinks today. I look forward to seeing your creations when you feel up to creating once again. Love you! Vicki

  10. I'm catching up on your blog. I'm so sorry about the loss of Ed. Please know that I'm thinking of you. Your home is just so lovely. So feminine with so many beautiful touches. Hugs!

  11. everything looks so pretty and just like you

  12. I know that I am months and months late coming to visit your post, but I marked it when I saw it because I didn't want to miss the opportunity to let you know how often I think of you.

    Years have passed, but I always think of you as one of our early "pinkies" group. I am so glad you chose to join us for Pink Saturday, and I hope you will come back again. You will find many of your old friends and some new ones, too.

    I am so sorry to learn about your husband. I will keep you close in my heart and prayers.

    And, I am equally happy to learn that you are going to be blessed with a wonderful new life to love and treasure.♥

  13. Wow i love every thing, i love the old wedding dress, just beautiful

  14. So very sorry about your husband. You have inspired me so much. I stumbled across you blog site by mistake & it has taken me to a world of sites that I truly enjoy. Thank you for your inspiration & devotion to the people who love you & your work. I pray for you. I don't have a website but I love looking at all the wonderful creations.
